Community Blog - Thank you to our Supporters - Great Western Air Ambulance Charity
GWAAC -COVID-19 Statement
Air BP provide free aviation fuel for air ambulances on the frontline amidst COVID-19
April 2, 2020
Community Blog – Ways to donate at home
April 9, 2020
GWAAC -COVID-19 Statement
Air BP provide free aviation fuel for air ambulances on the frontline amidst COVID-19
April 2, 2020
Community Blog – Ways to donate at home
April 9, 2020

Community Blog – Thank you to our Supporters

Welcome to the second instalment of our GWAAC community blog series! Today, Ian, Joe (me), and Vicky want to focus on you: our community, and the amazing things you do, not just for GWAAC, but for everyone who has a link to this area. Whether you live, work, or have loved ones in our region, this connects us, and I think during these times it’s these connections that we need to hang on to. Least of all because we’re all social creatures at our best when we’re interacting, but mostly because it shows the two-way nature of GWAAC and its supporters. Our Critical Care Team can only be there for the most critically ill and injured patients in our shared community because of people like you. You keep us flying and together we save lives. So, I hope you enjoy these little pick-me-ups highlighting just a tiny segment of the incredible support we receive.

Midway Social Club

Let’s turn our attention to the generous lot at Midway Social Club in Yate. So much has changed since we last ran a feature on the club (read here) but what hasn’t is their desire to help people in the area. With most activities and clubs on hold, Bob and his team are out helping the most vulnerable in our community. From delivering prescriptions for those unable to pick them up to helping South Glos council respond to people who’ve had falls in their home.

Not only this, but they, along with Stonehouse Self Storage in Gloucestershire, were drop off locations for our charity shop stock drive! We will, at long last, be opening our first GWAAC charity shop in the hopefully not-so-distant future (although a little unknown in the current circumstances). It was amazing to see how our community responded and the quality and quantity of things donated! Thanks to everyone who contributed but don’t forget, now might be a great time to sort through your things and begrudgingly accept that the cashmere jumper given to you seven Christmases ago that stopped fitting you the Christmas after is just taking up valuable drawer space. Please do get in touch and we can advise on how best to get stock to us when restrictions on movement are lifted.

Alex from Now or Never Fitness

Moving on to Alex Fox, from Now or Never Fitness, who is collaborating with GWAAC to create the ‘GWAAC Home Fitness’ club and starts things off with a cracking baked bean workout. A very generous human bean indeed. Get involved and watch the video here, and stay tuned for more!

Codrington Village Fete Committee

This could be the icing on the cake for our crew, who have been gifted a luxury hamper containing various Marks & Spencer’s and Waitrose goodies by the Codrington Village Fete Committee. From giant chocolate bunnies to some egg-ceedingly good Mr Kippling cakes, this will certainly put a smile on the faces of those on duty here at GWAAC.  


158th Bristol Brownies

The latest lucky recipients of one of our coveted GWAAC 'Golden Tickets', the 158th Bristol Brownies wowed all of us with their amazing adventures on our Girlguiding Challenge Badge, and will be welcomed to our airbase later this year to see what their support has helped fund! From building our base out of Lego (with a drip and stretcher, take note The LEGO Group) to resuscitating their teddies, the girls raised a whopping £114 towards their local air ambulance...BUT they didn't stop here and through giving their local church a bit of a polish they raised another £376.00 and sent us this lovely letter.


Yatton Sequence Dance Club

And finally, quickstepping on to the Yatton Sequence Dance Club, who have supported your local air ambulance charity since swing was a thing. Our crew were absolutely delighted to receive so many chocolates and sweets, and our thanks go out to you all!

Sharing in these stories has motivated me to do something for my local community. It may be (very) small, but I’ve planted herbs and other produce in order to create a little community garden for people running low on fresh greens. Will these stories inspire you too? Perhaps to take on our virtual stair-climbing challenge, Flights for Flights, whilst at home or to help your community in some way? Please let us know and share your stories of the kindness you see around you.

Stay tuned for the next instalment of our community blog series, which will feature more information on Flights for Flights and other ways to stay busy at home…

Thank you for your kindness, your support, and your generosity. We couldn’t do it without you.

Joe, Ian and Vicky

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