Land of the Rising Sun
December 24, 2021
Rory Wiggin HEMS Junior Hero
January 5, 2022It’s that time of year for making New Year’s Resolutions. Here are a five potentially life saving ideas, and ways to support your local air ambulance charity in 2022:
1. Learn how to do CPR and find out where your nearest defibrillators are located. Pick up skills that mean you can directly save a life.
2. Volunteer for us, or even come and work for us. Use your time and energy to make a difference in your community.
3. Take part in a GWAAC event, raise vital funds and train your way to a fitter, healthier 2022.
4. Take unwanted gifts to your nearest GWAAC charity shop, clear the clutter and help raise lifesaving funds.
5. Take photos of Helimed 65 when you spot it, and tag us on social media. Help spread the word about the essential work we do.