Donate in Memory
Keep your loved one forever flying
The loss of a loved one is hard. Many people find that giving a gift to charity in memory of their loved one is a fitting way to honour your time together and to cherish their memory. At Great Western Air Ambulance Charity we want to help you to leave a lasting legacy which you know they would have been proud of. There are several different ways that you can make an in-memory donation to GWAAC. In doing so, not only will you be ensuring we continue to carry out our critical work, you will also be helping to keep your loved one forever flying. From making a one-off donation in memory to setting up a tribute or arranging a funeral collection; our team are on hand every step of the way to support you at this difficult time. Click below to find out more about the different ways that you can honour your loved one.
Bern's Story - A Tribute
"Great Western Air Ambulance Charity played and carried out an important role on the day, made a huge effort with the Coast Guards, Ambulance, First Aiders, the off-duty Nurse and the Responder. All of the crew members attempted to revive my partner Bern by giving him CPR, using the Defib, administering oxygen and long chest compressions."
Bern's partner Tina thanks emergency responders, including members of our Critical Care Team after they responded to her partner Bern, who sadly passed away after suffering an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.

Ways to Donate
Give life, with a gift in your will
Another way to pay tribute to your loved one, and help save many more lives, is with a gift in your will to GWAAC.
Further Support
The death of a loved one is always tough. Though we might all experience bereavement in our lifetime, each of us will grieve for our loved ones in a different way. Our team are here to help you at this difficult time. If you require additional, specialist support with your bereavement, please consider contacting the organisations listed.