“The team improved her chances of survival, and we cannot express our gratitude.” - Great Western Air Ambulance Charity
"I am still here thanks to GWAAC."
September 30, 2016
"It was the skill of these people that kept me alive."
February 1, 2017
"I am still here thanks to GWAAC."
September 30, 2016
"It was the skill of these people that kept me alive."
February 1, 2017

“The team improved her chances of survival, and we cannot express our gratitude.”

Amelia Pile is a typical three year old, who loves running around and playing games. However after a serious knock to the head she was critically ill and needed help fast.

Amelia was out with her parents when she fell, landing on her head. The seriousness of her injuries were not immediately apparent, and she was taken to Cirencester Minor Injuries Unit for treatment. However not long after her arrival she started fitting and her condition was deteriorating fast. She needed specialist help, and the decision was made to transport her to the Bristol Children’s Hospital. A land ambulance was called to take her, but time was of the essence

Great Western Air Ambulance Charity‘s Critical Care Team were called, and within four minutes of the call Critical Care Paramedic Neil Hooper and Critical Care Doctors Scott Grier and Glyn Thomas were on their way to her. While in the air Neil spoke to the ambulance crew who had just left the minor injuries unit. The decision was made to meet them at South Cerney Airfield.

The helicopter landed at the airfield 15 minutes later, and the crew found Amelia in the back of the ambulance. She was unconscious and needed airway support and oxygen. After their initial assessment, the crew quickly decided to anaesthetise her, as she appeared to have a significant head injury. Critical Care Doctor Scott said:

“We performed the anaesthetic in the back of the ambulance to ensure Amelia stayed warm, as it was very cold outside that day. We then transferred her to the helicopter, carrying her over a farm gate and rubble pile. Owing to her presumed head injury, we flew Amelia to the Bristol Royal Children’s Hospital as this is the Paediatric Major Trauma Centre for the region.”

Amelia’s mother Jemma said:

“Amelia was airlifted in an induced coma to the Bristol Children’s Hospital. This move definitely improved her chances of survival, and her parents and grandparents cannot express their gratitude that we still have our precious Amelia today.”

Amelia was lucky, her brain scans came back clear and she was allowed home the next day. She has fully recovered, and has no lasting damage from her injuries.


If you or someone you know has been helped by the Great Western Air Ambulance Charity team, we’d love to invite you to meet the crew who help you. You can get in touch using our ‘Contact form.