New bespoke COVID-19 counselling service for GWAAC’s crew
December 3, 2020GWAAC’s Critical Care Doctor awarded MBE in New Year Honours 2021!
December 30, 2020We’re excited to introduce to you our new Trainee Critical Care Doctor Jamie! Read on to learn more about Jamie’s previous experience and why he wanted to join team GWAAC.
Please explain what experience you have had previous to GWAAC?
I’ve had a bit of varied career so far, but it has always had an Emergency Medicine theme! I’m currently serving in the Royal Navy as an Emergency Medicine trainee with another year of training before becoming a Consultant.
In this time I’ve deployed a number of times, especially in the earlier part of my career and then I stepped sideways to do a PhD in Emergency Medicine (which is a bit of rarity!), but have spent the past ten years (on and off) working in Emergency Departments largely across the South Coast
Why do you want to work for GWAAC?
GWAAC has a reputation for being a busy service and producing very well trained clinicians, so this was a huge attraction.
But the biggest reason for me wanting to work for GWAAC was the people, and the crews that took me under their wing to give me exposure to the world of pre-hospital care. I was so impressed by their skills, knowledge and team work that after two shifts, I’d made up my mind!
What are you enjoying about the role so far?
Definitely the people!
I really enjoy working in a small team and the ability to have time to train together and focus on delivering high quality critical care is amazing.
Don’t get me wrong having a consultant and senior paramedic supervise and critique your practice for a whole shift is tough, but the opportunities to further yourself as a clinician as a result of it are tremendous.
What kind of training have you undergone so far?
I’m still very new to GWAAC, so my formal training so far has involved going on a 1 week residential course introducing me to prehospital care, then a week of inhouse skills training with the new SPCCs. However, each shift I do is a training shift – we start the shift with a simulation and then following each patient we often spend about an hour debriefing as a team which is incredible learning and training.