
We are a registered charity in England and Wales, No. 1121300. We are registered with the Charity Commission.


We are governed by a board of Trustees, who set the charity's strategic direction and hold the appointed officers to account. Our Trustees are:

Jason Holt

Jason Holt for Trustee Page

Martyn Drake

Martyn Drake

Caroline Peters MBE

Caroline Peters MBE

Dr Matt Thomas

Dr Matt Thomas

John Houlden

John Houlden

Robin Jaques

Robin Jaques

Simon Davies

Simon Davies

Our lottery

We operate a weekly lottery to raise funds, which is regulated by the Gambling Commission.

GWAAC Lottery Terms and Conditions

GWAAC Lottery Complaints and Disputes Policy

GWAAC's Social Responsibility in Gambling Policy

Thanks to the generosity of the supporters of our lottery, we are proud to declare that £1.4m was raised in 2023, which represented nearly 70% of the gross proceeds, after prizes and expenses. We are extremely grateful for the ongoing support from all of our lottery subscribers, which will ensure the continuation of our service into the future.

We are registered with The Fundraising Regulator, the independent regulator of charitable fundraising. Our fundraising activities comply with the Fundraising Code of Practice

Crew and Charity Team

Meet the rest of the people who make up GWAAC


The GWAAC safeguarding policy is available on request by contacting