The first six months of 2024 - Great Western Air Ambulance Charity
Keynsham Shop ribbon cut on opening day
GWAAC’s Keynsham Shop Opens
June 27, 2024
Keynsham Shop ribbon cut on opening day
GWAAC’s Keynsham Shop Opens
June 27, 2024

The first six months of 2024


We were called to 1,159 incidents in the first half of 2024, this compares to 958 incidents in the first half of 2023 and 895 in 2022.

Our helicopter was tasked to 279 incidents January to June this year, 297 in 2023 and 280 in 2022.

In the same period our critical care cars were tasked to 880 incidents and 661 last year and 615 in 2022. 


Incidents by type

Trauma - 512

Medical - 647

512 trauma incidents in the first half of 2024, 462 in 2023,  423 in 2022.

647 medical incidents in the same period of 2024, 496 in 2023, 472 in 2022.

Incidents by location

Gloucestershire :

South Gloucestershire:


North Somerset:



  • 302 incidents in Gloucestershire, up from 282
  • 355 incidents in Bristol, up from 245
  • 172 incidents in South Gloucestershire, up from 143
  • 74 incidents in B&NES, up from 57
  • 136 incidents in North Somerset, up from 130
  • 62 incidents in Wiltshire, up from 53

Incidents by gender



up from 603 in 2023 and 569 in 2022


up from 292 in 2023 and 265 in 2022

Type of incident

Road Traffic Collision - 143

Cardiac arrest - 272

143 road traffic incidents in the first half of 2024, 191 in 2023, 161 in 2022.

272 cardiac arrests in the same period of 2024, 265 in 2023, 264 in 2022.

    • RTC - 14312%
    • Cardiac arrest - 27223%
    • Sporting 161%
    • Collapsed - 767%
    • Neurological - 999%
    • Burns - 131%
    • Drowning - 81%
    • Stabbing - 827%
    • Assault - 232%
    • Overdose - 474%
    • Fall - 12711%
    • Hanging - 222%
    • Other medical 15313%
    • Other trauma - 767%

    Age group

    217 children and teenagers in the first half of 2024, 142 in 2023, 121 in 2022.

    724 adults in the same period of 2024, 597 in 2023, 573 in 2022.

    159 elderly people in January to June 2024, 152 in 2023, 136 in 2022.

    All our lifesaving work is only possible with your support

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