University of Bath students fundraise for GWAAC
November 6, 2024
Get in the festive spirit whilst supporting GWAAC
November 26, 2024Great Western Air Ambulance Charity (GWAAC) were so pleased that our very own Tetbury Bingo Buddies made the finals of the BBC Make a Difference Awards this year.
Just pipped at the post by the very worthy Julie Kent OBE we were nonetheless thrilled that their fundraising efforts were recognised by these community awards.
In eight years of fundraising, the Tetbury Bingo Buddies have raised over £60,000 to help keep GWAAC flying!
Led by Marion Savage and her sister Valerie Baker, the dedicated duo started the group in 2016, initially to help a neighbour. But as their bingo evenings got bigger, they pledged support to GWAAC who attended Marion’s daughter following an accident.
The group have broadened their activities far beyond bingo to the point it’s almost taken over their lives! They sell unwanted goods online and at Car Boot sales; helping to recycle whilst also raising money. Marion’s home is always full of donated items waiting to be sold and they are out in all weathers; at the Car Boot sales or under the Market House in Tetbury.
Marion, Val and their supporters have tirelessly fundraised for GWAAC, raising more money every year and reaching £15,000 in 2023 alone!
With each lifesaving mission costing an average of £2,200, this cottage-fundraising industry has potentially helped save 30 lives in the local communities. GWAAC’s Emma Fawcett says, “In nine years working with community fundraisers, I have never met such an extraordinarily committed group. It feels like every waking thought is about how to raise more money for GWAAC and help us save lives. And often, when I meet a former patient who has made it through their own personal challenge with our crew’s help, I think about the incredible Tetbury Bingo Buddies who help make it possible. We really can’t fly without them.”
In nine years working with community fundraisers, I have never met such an extraordinarily committed group.

One of Marion and Valerie's stalls supporting GWAAC