Thank you for being their Valentine!
Show your love with some fundraising this Valentine’s Day
Your support can save lives. Right now, that means you could help give a local person the chance to spend another Valentine’s Day with their loved one.
Without you, we simply couldn't be there. It’s your support that ensures the Great Western Air Ambulance Charity crew remain right here and ready to save lives across the region, keeping people together.
We were there for Robin on Valentine’s Day
“GWAAC collected me after I had a high speed impact with a tree, which caused me multiple traumas, and most likely saved my life.”
When Robin left his home to go mountain biking on Valentine’s Day in 2019, any plans he had to celebrate a romantic evening with his wife Sarah soon changed.
Robin was involved in a high speed cycling accident in the Forest of Dean. He broke four of his ribs on impact with a tree, and suffered a punctured lung and a burst femoral artery. Robin was losing a lot of blood and was in a critical state. He needed specialist help, fast.
“We never know when we might need support from something like Great Western Air Ambulance Charity… we should all think about supporting their mission...”
Our crew flew to Robin, with two Specialist Paramedics in Critical Care and a Critical Care Doctor on board. They were able to provide emergency interventions at the scene of the accident to stabilise Robin’s condition. They made the decision to airlift him to Southmead Hospital’s major trauma centre where he could undergo emergency surgery.
Valentine’s Day 2020 painted a very different picture, with Robin and his 12-year-old daughter Yaz, visiting GWAAC’s base to mark the first anniversary of his traumatic incident. On the same day, they presented the crew who saved his life with a £1,000 cheque, which they had fundraised for the charity.
“I’m lucky to have had their care, and supporting them has been really uplifting for me and my family.”
How you can help
Thank you for giving our crew your heart this year. However big or small your fundraising total, every penny and every pound helps.
A fundraiser is a perfect way to do something different at home this Valentine’s Day while giving back to your local air ambulance crew who have been on the frontline of COVID-19 for many months.
Your act of love doesn’t have to be romantic!
Home Bakers, Marathon Runners, Coffee Sippers, Zoom Lovers; you’re our ‘Do It Yourself fundraisers’ and YOU keep our air ambulance flying. There are lots of ways to show your love through fundraising - whether you have five minutes to spare or endless days available to plan, whether you’re going solo, fundraising with friends or fundraising in the community.
Need help with ideas?
Our new fundraising guide has everything you need to get your fundraising off to a flying start. It’s packed full of handy tips and ideas to help your fundraising become a huge success! And better still, we're on hand to help you every step of the way - so if you have any questions, get in touch with one of our Community Coordinators at info@gwaac.com.